Hambre cero
In Fundación Square we have developed our own methodology, based on previous experiences in the earthquakes in Indonesia and impact actions in Namibia, creating an agile and innovative campaign to collect surplus food from food brands and producers, to distribute them to those who need it most, with special focus in vulnerable families.
HAMBRECERO IS A ALLIANCE AGAINST HUNGER, involving more than 500 agents, hand in hand with more than 150 food donors and more than 420 organizations who help us to distribute it in more than 50 cities. We have become the newly created project with the greatest impact during the pandemic: 19 million food rations delivered.
We have been awarded the Medal of Civil Merit, Ángeles Custodios; Inclusion and Empowerment Award, LAB Magallanes-Elcano, Heroicity in Pandemic Award, Fundación Madrina, Merit Awars Latin America winners in FIN 2021, an Impact Award by JEUNE and an Social Entrepreneur 2022 Award by Revista Haz.
Impact in 28 countries: after the success achieved in Spain during the pandemic, with special attention to the families affected by the La Palma volcano, we internationalize the project with actions in the honduran floods, in Colombia, Panama, Mexico, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, Portugal, Germany and currently in the Ukrainian War in Poland, Slovakia, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine.
We are looking for economic sustainability, by joining efforts and resources of brands and institutions with vision and sensitivity.

- IMPACT5.754 tons of food delivered
19.180.000 food rations
360 trailers
27 countries