We reformulate volunteering trips with a new, social and environmentally responsible format, focused in the travellers’ experiences and the generation of local impact before, during and after the adventure. Kenya Kupendeza Expedition is the first expedicion, among others we are working in Square Ventures, where projects are analyzed on site and are dynamized through specific and direct actions that allow travellers to get to know the country and discover their sensitivities. This also allows projects to obtain a continuous flow of resources and help, increasing their abilities, developing their skills and allowing projects to obtain a continuous flow of resources and help. Generating personal growth during the expedition and a positive impact on local projects.
Hand in hand with the Nomad Academy we believe in a different way of education, connected to the current world and based on life experiences. Our mission is to create an international community of young leaders, entrepreneurs and changemakers with a global vision and a local commitment in order to encourage team work and co-create new realities.
We are looking for motivated nonconformist young people, just like you, people willing to break with the established and follow a different path. Let’s be the change we want to see in the world.

European Fish Awards
- EXPEDITIONKenia Kupendenza
- DURATION12 days
- DATES2020
- PLAZAS15 *
PROCESSPersonal interview - * Confirmation of 2020 Expedition subject to completing availability