Our CEO Álvaro Cuadrado has been on the ground. Lombok needs your support, COLLABORATE


The greatest earthquake in 2018 measuring over 7.1 on the Richter scale with several aftershocks, struck the island of Lombok, Indonesia. More than 500 deaths and thousands of victims have been estimated. We have seen thousands of tourists wanting to abandon Lombok’s idyllic beaches where they were spending their vacation, but not all of us have decided to leave… Help is needed, and that is what we are doing from Square Ventures.
“When the earthquakes started tourists ran away, right when everyone left was when I understood that I had to go help. The rapid response of donors from Spain multiplied my impact”

Álvaro Cuadrado, CEO Square Ventures
In the absence of NGO’s on site, we created #MovingIndonesia through which we channel support and we make an impact to contribute to the recovery of the area. Álvaro Cuadrado, CEO of Square Ventures, travelled to the catastrophe’s epicenter to assist the affected families, help them clean up the rubble, analyze needs, make local contacts and carry food and water thanks to donations. Now we are working on a second phase.
We need your support. You can be part of the change we want to see in the world.

You can be part of the change we want to see in the world.

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Account: ES84 2038 1065 5060 0105 3096

For international transfers BIC/SWIFT: CAHMESMMXXX

Indicating your name and the concept: AYUDALOMBOK2018
From Indonesia we thank you!

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